Let our banking professionals raise your efficiency level
For West Texas businesses, it's best to focus resources on the big picture - driving up sales and delivering a first-class product or service. A good solution is to delegate a wide range of internal tasks to SouthWest Bank. From payroll distribution to fraud prevention, we'll commit our best people and technology to making sure your finances stay on track.
Cash Management services include:
- Direct deposit of payroll, dividends, and pensions
- Collect premiums, invoices/bills when they’re due
- Disburse funds for payroll and/or operating accounts
- Concentrate cash for retail deposits
- Make corporate payments
- Pay for federal and state expenses
- Eliminate the reconciliation process for paper checking accounts
- Quickly spot and reduce fraud
- Initiate domestic and international wire transfers
Resources for our business customers

Small BusinessSBA
Comparing Small Business Loan Programs Backed by the SBA
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) was founded as an independent federal g...

Small BusinessSBA
Free Resources to Start, Manage, and Grow Your Business
When it comes to resources available to small businesses, the first thing to know i...

How to Avoid Peer-to-Peer (P2P) App Scams
Where there’s a transfer of money, there’s unfortunately often a scammer waiting to ...